June 12-15, 2011
Penghu, Taiwan
Important Dates for Regular/Short Paper Track Paper Submissions Due: January 14th, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: March 25th, 2011
Camera-Ready Papers: April 22th, 2011
June 12-15, 2011
Penghu, Taiwan
Important Dates for Regular/Short Paper Track Paper Submissions Due: January 14th, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: March 25th, 2011
Camera-Ready Papers: April 22th, 2011
June 27-29, 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Uppsala VINN Excellence Center for Wireless Sensor Networks (WISENET) will hold a school on wireless sensor networks in Uppsala, Sweden, on November 8-9, 2010.
More info on: http://www.wisenet.uu.se/school/2010/
Bangalore, India, January 2nd, 2011
Paper Submission Deadline: Oct. 15th, 2010
Notification: Nov. 15th, 2010
Final Paper Due: Dec. 1st, 2010
November 10th - 12th 2010, Malaga, Spain
June 21: Full & Short papers submission deadline
June 21 - 23, 2010, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Check also workshops: http://www.dcoss.org/workshops.php
In conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2010)
October 30 - November 1, 2010, Hangzhou, China
Paper submission: Jul. 15, 2010
In conjunction with the 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols.
October 5, 2010, Kyoto, Japan
Abstract submission: June 4, 2010
Paper submission: June 11, 2010
Hong Kong SAR, China, December 11-13, 2010
Paper submission due: July 15, 2010
Call for Papers
Special Issue on:
Distributed Intelligence and Data Fusion for Sensor Systems
in IET Communications (SCI Indexed)
Use of intelligence, data mining and data fusion has provided new momentum in
the use of sensors and converted WSNs into a new brand of dynamic, autonomous
and intelligent Distributed Sensor Systems. These features enable new smart
sensors to play new roles as intelligent nodes gathering, manipulating and
decimating data for more reliable and secure communication whilst performing
more efficiently using less energy and number crunching.
This special issue aims at presenting innovative and signifi cant research
papers on the design, implementation and evaluation of wireless sensors,
especially for use of distributed intelligence and data fusion.
Topics of primaryinterest include, but are not limited to:
* applications and deployment of intelligence in sensor systems and distributed
data fusion
* sensor networking protocols and algorithms
* sensor network management protocol and systems
* cross-layer design and sensor network management protocols
* security of distributed intelligence in sensor networks
* inter-connection between distributed sensor systems
* testbed, experimental measurements & performance analysis
* systems for context sensing and context awareness
* tools and methodologies for sensory data fusion
* QoS provisioning protocols with data fusion technology
* collaborative in-network processing and data sharing
* use of Intelligence and data in energy harvesting
* Deadline for Submission of Paper: 01 July 2010
* Authors to receive a 1st decision: 30 September 2010
* Final notification of acceptance: 31 January 2011
* On-line and print publication: Q1/Q2 2011
Paper Submission:
All papers must be submitted through the journal's Manuscript Central system:
Guest editors:
Dr. Lei Shu (Corresponding)
Nishio Lab., Department of Multimedia Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Osaka University, Japan
E-mail: lei.shu@ieee.org
Prof. Jaime Lloret Mauri
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
E-mail: jlloret@dcom.upv.es
Prof. Joel Rodrigues
University of Beira Interior, Portugal
E-mail: joeljr@ieee.org
Prof. Min Chen
Seoul National University, Korea
E-mail: minchen@ieee.org
IET Publishing Dept. contact:
Paul Rowley
Editorial Assistant
IET Communications
E-mail: prowley@theiet.org
Professor Habib F. Rashvand
Series Editor
IET Communications
E-mail: h.rashvand@warwick.ac.uk
1st International Workshop on "QoS Provision in Wireless Sensor Networks"
organized in conjunction with
The 6th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '10)
23 June 2010, Santa Barbara, California
Important Dates:
Manuscript Submission: 23 April 2010
Acceptance Notification: 7 May 2010
Camera ready: 21 May 2010
Scope and Overview:
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a modern kind of wireless networks, where numerous monitoring devices are interconnected to communicate their collected data. The literature has not paid yet enough attention to QoS in WSNs. This is mainly due to the currently unclear purpose and usage of the WSNs, which significantly differ from the traditional networks. However, modern WSN applications require traffic differentiation, guaranteed end-to-end delivery, low delay jitter, and high throughput. The sensors’ limited resources and energy autonomy combined with the unreliable wireless medium make QoS support in WSN certainly challenging. Thus, new designs for offering QoS in WSNs are becoming necessary.
This Workshop will try to analyze modern methods of providing QoS support in WSNs, explain all related issues, highlight the problems that arise when trying to provide QoS demanding services over wireless networks, present the theoretical background, bring out related solutions given so far, and moreover, exhibit the latest research concepts and relevant ideas regarding near-future implementations.
Topics of Interest:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Multimedia transmissions over WSNs
- QoS capable routing algorithms for WSNs
- Traffic prioritization schemes for WSNs
- QoS supportive protocols for medium access control in WSNs
- Power saving mechanisms for WSNs
- Medical content transfer using sensors for telemedicine
- Categorized data communications over environment monitoring WSNs
- Novel applications for QoS aware WSNs
- Cross-layer techniques for QoS provision in WSNs
- Simulation of QoS aware WSNs
- Analytical models for QoS aware WSNs
Paper submission:
Papers are solicited in the IEEE proceedings format with up to eight (8) pages. Papers in PDF format must be submitted via Easy Chair by using the following URL: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qpwsn10. All submissions must be original prior unpublished work and not under review elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed and selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop, will appear in the DCOSS proceedings and will be included in the IEEE digital library. Please email to the workshop co-chairs if you have any questions.
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Thomas D. Lagkas, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Pantelis Aggelidis, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Workshop TPC Members (to be updated):
Christos Bouras, University of Patras and RACTI, Greece
Der-Jiunn Deng, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Gianluigi Ferrari, University of Parma, Italy
Periklis Chatzimisios, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vasileios Gkamas, Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece
Alexandros Kaloxylos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Eirini Karapistoli, CERTH - Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
Maode Ma, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Marek Natkaniec, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Christos Papageorgiou, University of Patras, Greece
Dimitrios Stratogiannis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Hang Su, Texas A&M University, U.S.A.
Georgios Tsiropoulos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Christos Verikoukis, Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia, Spain
Vasileios Vitsas, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Thomas D. Lagkas
Wireless Communication Networks PhD
Adjunct Lecturer, University of Western Macedonia
Scientific Associate, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki
We have a two part webinar on March 10th at 8 am — signup here — the first talking about use of the DASH7 standard within the military presented by Identec Solutions, and the second presented by Ted Osinski of MET Labs, where we’ll hear about the roadmap for interoperability certification. It’s free and usually a pretty interactive discussion. Hope you can join us.
Call for papers
Measurement Science and Technology Journal (Institute of Physics)
Special Issue on
Wireless Sensor Networks: Designing for Real-World Deployment and
Deployment Experiences
A vast number of protocols, architectures and design methods for
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been proposed within the last
decade. Analytical methods, simulation tools and laboratory
experimentation were used to validate the proposals and demonstrate
that the solutions put forth should work as expected. However, many
such solutions failed (and sometimes quite dramatically) when deployed
in a real-world application context. This is often the consequence of
making ill-informed assumptions about the environment in which the WSN
will be deployed, lack of attention to specific conditions that will
be encountered in the deployment and incomplete application
specification. In addition, good solutions for many important
real-world deployment problems are missing. For example, mechanisms
for dealing with missing data, in-network debugging tools or fault
management strategies for real deployments are required.
This special issue has several aims:
· to collect insights from real-world deployment efforts that can
help the WSN community to better understand the issues needed to be
accounted for when designing WSN protocols, architectures and
· to document particular real-world deployment issues encountered
by practical scientists and highlight more generic WSN solutions and
tools born from practical, deployment experience;
· to report on WSN protocols and mechanisms that have had, in the
past, only a theoretical treatment but have recently been proven to
work well in real-world deployments.
We are seeking contributions describing innovative work in the realm
of real-world WSN deployments. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
· Issues with deployment assumptions: setting realistic
application requirements; user interaction with the WSN design process
and with the end systems; the use of communication channel and sensor
and sensing models; experiences with communication protocols, energy
management and expected network lifetime; in-network processing;
real-time issues in deployed systems; effective information extraction
· Supporting tools and methods for real-world deployment:
deployment and debugging tools; on-the fly programming, configuration
and installation support; management of deployed sensor networks;
security, availability and dependability issues in sensor networks;
fault-tolerance and troubleshooting sensor networks; network health
monitoring and management; practical medium access control protocols;
topology control and routing protocols in real-world deployments;
practical localization and time synchronization.
· Novel real-life WSN applications: deployment success stories
leading to technology adoption; failure stories leading to iterative
hw/sw developments and re-deployment; novel measurement instruments
based on WSNs.
Notes for Prospective Authors: The scope of this call is restricted to
work that falls within the remit of the MST Journal. Articles should
bring forth new WSN based measurement techniques and systems,
significant improvements to existing measurement techniques or
describe the application of existing techniques in novel situations.
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Expanded,
archival versions of papers delivered at technical conferences are
Important dates:
Extended abstract deadline: 15th March 2010 (by email to e.gaura@coventry.ac.uk)
Manuscript submission deadline: 31st March 2010
Expected Publication date: December 2010 (available on-line from November 2010)
Manuscript Submission Instructions for Prospective Authors:
Please follow the MST journal manuscript format described at
http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.2/MST and submit your papers
to the online submission and reviewing system or by email, as per
instructions at http://www.iop.org/EJ/submit/0957-0233 . In the
“special issue details” box (or in the email subject line) write
“Wireless Sensor Networks”. Papers should be up to 10 journal pages in
length, or 8500 words.
Guest editors:
Prof. Elena Gaura
Cogent Computing Applied Research Centre, Coventry University, UK
Dr. Utz Roedig
Infolab21, Lancaster University
Dr. James Brusey
Cogent Computing Applied Research Centre, Coventry University, UK
Visit http://www.microchip.com/mchptube to learn more. This video is intended for beginners unfamiliar with Microcontroller. The basic components of a Microcontroller are compared to a common household PC to help reinforce concepts. |
ZeroG Wireless is now Microchip Technology Inc. This is part 2 of the video discussing how to setup the ZeroG module for use with a Microchip development kit. Visit http://www.microchip.com/ to learn more. |
ZeroG Wireless is now Microchip Technology Inc. This video describes the Getting Started Guide for setting up the ZeroG module with a Microchip development kit. Visit http://www.microchip.com to learn more. |
The 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom'2010)
Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium
December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA
Highlights at Globecom'2010:
(1) 25+ world renowned scientists will deliver Plenary Speeches in
Featured Talks and Plenary Forums;
(2) First-time FREE tutorial program open to all GC10 attendees
(with 12 high-quality tutorials selected from 150 proposals);
(3) 23 engaged workshops to cover the latest industry and academic
(4) Local information introduction to beautiful Miami & Florida, as
well as the wonderful conference venue.
Topic of Interest:
The Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networking Symposium of Globecom'2010
aims at providing a forum for sharing ideas among researchers and
practitioners working on state-of-the-art solutions Related to Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks. We are seeking papers that describe original
and unpublished contributions addressing various aspects of the topics
listed below (but not limited to):
* Applications and Evolutions of Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Autonomic Networking
* Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Devices
* Physical Layer Design of Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Frequency and Channel Allocation Algorithms
* Topology Control and Management
* Algorithms and Modeling for Localization, Target Tracking,
and Mobility Management
* Architectures of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* MAC Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* QoS Provisioning in Medium Access Control and Routing for Ad
Hoc and Mesh Networks
* Analytical, Mobility, and Validation Models for Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Performance Evaluation and Modeling of Mobile, Ad Hoc,
Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Integrated Simulation and Measurement based Evaluation of Ad
Hoc and Sensor Systems
* New Simulation Languages, Methodologies, and Tools for
Wireless Systems in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Analysis of Correctness and Efficiency of Protocols
* Data Management, Data Aggregation, Data Dissemination, and
Query Processing
* Distributed Algorithms in Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
* Pricing Modeling and Solutions
* Pervasive and Wearable Computing
* Co-existence Issues of Hybrid Networks
* Energy Saving and Power Control Protocols for Ad Hoc, Sensor,
and Mesh Networks
* Resource Management Algorithms in Mobile, wireless Ad Hoc and
Mesh Networks
* Synchronization and Scheduling Issues in Mobile and Ad Hoc
* Service Discovery for Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and Sensor Networks
* Cross-layer Design and Interactions in Ad Hoc, Sensor and
Mesh Networks
* Mobile Service and QoS Management for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
* Survivability and Reliability Evaluation and Modeling for Ad
Hoc, Sensor, and Mesh Networks
* Ubiquitous and Mobile Access for Wireless Mesh Networks
* Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh, and
Sensor Networks
Important Dates:
* Paper Submission: 15 March 2010
Paper Submission Link: http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7409
* Paper Acceptance: 1 July 2010
* Camera-ready Paper: 1 August 2010
Hossam Hassanein, Lead Co-Chair
Queens University, Canada
Phone: 613-533-6052, Email: hossam@cs.queensu.ca
Xiaohua Jia
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Phone: 852-2788-9670, Email: csjia@cityu.edu.hk
Sirisha Medidi
Boise State University, USA
Phone: 208-426-2623, Email: sirishamedidi@boisestate.edu
Cheng Li
Memorial University, Canada
Phone: 709-737-8972, E-mail: licheng@mun.ca
One of the trends we're exploring this year is how the Internet is being integrated into everyday objects. Called the Internet of Things, it's seeping into some massive consumer industries. One of them is fitness. Many of you have heard of the Nike+ running shoes, which sends running data to your iPod via a sensor. Adidas recently joined the race to connect your running gear to the Internet, with its miCoach system. There is also the Wii Fit and innovative Web fitness services like NordicTrack's iFit.
Keep up, because tracking your fitness progress on the Internet - via sensors attached to your body or workout gear - is going to become very popular.
A recent USA Today article notes the increasing usage of Web-enabled products that help you monitor your workouts and give you real-time coaching. The Nike+ shoes and iPod system is one of the market leaders.
The Nike+ shoes come with a sensor that tracks your run, then sends the data to your iPod. It even has its own social network. And what Web product circa 2010 doesn't come with a Twitter and Facebook connection? Sure enough, the Nike+ can automatically tweet and post a status report on Facebook.
Meanwhile the Adidas miCoach PACER is a running pacer device that retails for $140. The bundle includes a Heart Rate Monitor and a "Stride Sensor" - a battery-operated sensor that fits into your shoe.
The miCoach Pacer can also verbally coach the runner during their run, "to ensure that they are staying within their targeted heart rate zone."
There's an accompanying website, where users can create training plans, set goals and monitor their progress.
Let us know if you currently use an Internet-connected fitness system, especially if it makes use of sensors.
The 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent Sensor and Wireless Networks
(IntelNet 2010)
To be held in conjunction with CIT'10 (Supported by IEEE Computer
Society), June 29 - July 1, 2010, Bradford, UK
Modern sensor and wireless networks have been becoming more and more
large-scaled and
complicated. Due to their rapidly increasing scale and complexity, the
management and
maintenance of sensor and wireless networks have posed many grand challenges
to both industrial
and academic communication communities. To overcome these challenges, it is
very necessary to
find new levels of autonomy and intelligence in deploying, managing, and
maintaining sensor and
wireless networks.
The purpose of the 2010 International Workshop on Intelligent Sensor and
Wireless Networks
(IntelNet 2010) is to bring together scientists, researchers, professionals,
and practitioners from
both industry and academia to exchange ideas, discuss solutions, share
experiences, and report
state-of-the-art research results on various aspects of intelligent sensor
and wireless networks.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-- Advanced Technologies for Enabling Intelligent and Autonomic
-- Autonomy-Oriented Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Biological, Social, and Economic Models for Intelligent Networks
-- Bio-Inspired Network Protocol Design
-- Bio-Inspired Network Services
-- Bio-Inspired Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Characterization and Detection of Emergent Properties in
Self-Organizing Networks
-- Complex Dynamics of Autonomous Communication Networks
-- Experimental Case Studies and Testbeds of Intelligent Networks
-- Novel Design and Management Technologies for Autonomic
Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Scalability and Complexity of Self-Organizing Communication Networks
-- Self-Organization in Autonomic Communication Networks
-- Self-Organizing, Self-Adaptive and Self-Tuning Sensor/Wireless
-- Sensing, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Measurements of Intelligent
-- Stability and Dependability of Intelligent Sensor/Wireless Networks
-- Tools and Techniques for Designing, Implementing, and Analyzing
Intelligent Sensor/Wireless Networks
Duncan F. Gillies, Imperial College London, UK
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Ruqian Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Geyong Min, University of Bradford, UK
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA
Xiaolong Jin
School of Informatics
University of Bradford
Bradford, BD7 1DP, U.K.
E-mail: x.jin@brad.ac.uk
Lei Liu
Department of Computing
University of Bradford
Bradford, BD7 1DP, U.K.
E-mail: l.liu6@brad.ac.uk
Hui Cheng
Department of Computer Science
University of Leicester
Leicester, LE1 7RH
E-mail: hc118@le.ac.uk
Ahmed Y. Al-Dubai, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Canfeng Chen, Nokia Research Center, China
Jin Chen, University of Toronto, Canada
Xiaowen Chu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Thomas Erlebach, University of Leicester, UK
Donghai Guan, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Lin Guan, Loughborough University, UK
Yu Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Huan Li, University of Massachusetts, USA
Keqin Li, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
Wei Li, Shandong University, China
Huadong Ma, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China
Jianhua Ma, Hosei University, Japan
Pascale Minet, INRIA, France
Gregorio M. Perez, University of Murcia, Spain
Qian Ren, China Mobile, China
Heung-Gyoon Ryu, Chungbuk National University, Korea
Jinglun Shi, South China University of Technology, China
Lei Shu, Osaka University, Japan
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Lan Wang, University of Bradford, UK
Xingwei Wang, Northeastern University, China
Jing Wu, Communications Research Centre, Canada
Weigang Wu, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Bin Xiao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Tao Xie, San Diego State University, USA
Bo Yang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,
Laurence T. Yang, St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Shengxiang Yang, University of Leicester, UK
Mei Yu, Tianjin University, China/Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Jun Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished
research and recent
developments in the topics related to the workshop. The length of the papers
should not
exceed 6 pages + 2 pages for overlength charges (IEEE Computer Society
Manuscripts style: two columns, single-spaced), including figures and
references, using 10
fonts, and number each page. Papers should be submitted electronically in
PDF format by
sending it as an e-mail attachment to Xiaolong Jin (x.jin@bradford.ac.uk).
All papers will be
peer reviewed and the comments will be provided to the authors. The accepted
papers will
be published together with those of other workshops by the IEEE Computer
Society Press.
Distinguished papers, after further extensions, will be published in CIT
2010's special issues of
the following prestigious SCI-indexed journals:
-- The Journal of Supercomputing - Springer
-- Journal of Computer and System Sciences - Elsevier
-- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience - John Wiley & Sons
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2010
Author Notification: April 2, 2010
Final Manuscript Due: April 18, 2010
Registration Due: April 18, 2010
Conference Date: June 29 - July 1, 2010
Today I released our 6LoWPAN lecture slides on 6lowpan.net:
“The companion lecture slides for 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet have now been released on The Book page of 6lowpan.net. This first part of the book’s course material includes a suggested course syllabus, and 115 of lecture slides in both PowerPoint and PDF formats. This overview of the book is a good tool for lecturers, students and professionals alike. The slides have been released under a creative commons by-nc-sa license to encourage re-use. The companion exercise slides for Contiki are planned for release in the near future.”
Links to the syllabus and lecture slides:
6LoWPAN Book Course Syllabus (PDF)
6LoWPAN Book Lecture Slides (PPT)
6LoWPAN Book Lecture Slides (PDF)